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Consider billeting a hockey player

Consider billeting a hockey player

Editor: I believe that there is a misconception of what you are going to get when you billet a hockey player. Many people think “oh no, I am going to get a big, dumb, old player that eats a lot”.
Grizzlies critical to habitat

Grizzlies critical to habitat

Editor: While passing through Canmore the other day, I picked up a copy of the Rocky Mountain Outlook. In it, was the article, “Grizzlies adapting to crossing structures,” about how Banff’s bears are using animal crossings.
Stand proud Bow Valley

Stand proud Bow Valley

Editor: Letters to the editor are forums to express contrarian points of view. Not so mine.
Wood burning – it's come a long way

Wood burning – it's come a long way

Editor: Re.: Surprised Canmorites are happy, Alan Smith, Alberta Director Canadian Clean Air Alliance (Aug. 8 RMO). First I was confused. Then I was amused. Mr.
Local happy with a bit of smoke in the air

Local happy with a bit of smoke in the air

Editor: In response to Alan Smith’s letter concerning wood smoke in Canmore, I’d like to throw in my two bits. I agree that woodsmoke can be unpleasant and is undoubtedly toxic.
Thanks for the assistance

Thanks for the assistance

Editor: Remember that scene in Annie Hall where Woody Allen, stuck in line, begins arguing with some schmuck pontificating on McLuhan, only to be vindicated by McLuhan himself who miraculously appears? That to me is the quintessence of good luck and
Town can't take on provincial tasks

Town can't take on provincial tasks

Editor: A couple of years ago, council made a decision to allow Canmore Fire and Rescue to provide ALS (advanced life support) pumper service to protect residents of Canmore when Alberta Health Services ambulances were out of town.
CPAWS concerned with protection

CPAWS concerned with protection

Editor: Re: Wilderness group concerned with park development (RMO, July 18). AMPPE’s characterization of the CPAWS 2013 Parks Report as one-sided and manipulative is simply false.
Surprised Canmorites are happy

Surprised Canmorites are happy

Editor: It was a surprise to read in the June 13 Rocky Mountain Outlook that Canmorites are happy with their town.
Dismayed and angered

Dismayed and angered

Editor: It causes us great dismay and anger when reading comments by Parks Canada that ‘rigorous environmental assessments and public review’ were conducted with respect to various developments.
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