Dear school council chairs, parents, principals and staff:
Over the past few weeks I have been reviewing your respective schools’ Three Year Education Plans and our school district’s Accountability Pillar Survey as conducted by Alberta Education. I am favourably impressed with your ongoing focus on the academic and social needs of our children.
In challenging times you have supported our efforts to provide our students with programs and activities that ensure a rounded school experience for all.
I am honoured to inform the general community that our children exceeded the provincial average in combined Provincial Achievement Tests at both the acceptable level (Canadian Rockies Public Schools 84 per cent/Alberta 79 per cent) and excellence level (CRPS 21 per cent/Alberta 19 per cent).
At the Grade 12 level, on the diploma exams, our students exceed the provincial average on combined results at the acceptable level (CRPS 90 per cent/Alberta 82 per cent) and excellence level (CRPS 24 per cent/Alberta 18 per cent).
Our district high school completion rate exceeds the province (CRPS 85 per cent/Alberta 72 per cent). Also at the high school level, our students qualify for Rutherford Scholarship at a rate of (CRPS 62 per cent/Alberta 59 per cent).
The above academic achievement indicators are but one measure of how our children are doing in school. I note that 86 per cent of our teachers, parents and students feel that our schools are safe and caring. I see this reflected in the support services offered in our schools as well as the many varied activities that round out school life.
In the months and years ahead, I encourage all of you to become actively engaged in our collective efforts to deliver superior quality academic programs augmented with, arts, music, sports and personal and career development.
In the 2010-2011 report our community of stakeholders indicated a ‘high’ rating in the area of system ‘continuous improvement’. This area is vital to our ongoing success. We can do so much more for our children when we are united. I look forward to your input on the 2011-2012 survey.
Brian Callaghan,
Canadian Rockies Public Schools