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Canmore man lucky to survive slide

Canmore man lucky to survive slide

A Canmore man caught in an avalanche over the weekend is lucky to be alive. The man, who has not been identified, was backcountry ski touring alone on Mount Sparrowhawk on Saturday (Jan. 29) when the slide occurred.
Brewster proposes valley view platform

Brewster proposes valley view platform

Brewster is proposing to build a multi-million dollar suspended glass floor observation platform overlooking the spectacular Sunwapta Valley in a bid to lure more tourists.
Banff Rec Centre to be water bottle-less

Banff Rec Centre to be water bottle-less

Bottled water will not be for sale when the new concession at the Banff recreation centre opens in March as part of the municipality’s ongoing efforts to go green.
CPC approves façade improvements

CPC approves façade improvements

The Canmore Planning Commission has approved a development permit to improve the façade of a building on Main Street considered by many to be an eyesore.
Council asked to ban RV and trailer parking

Council asked to ban RV and trailer parking

Winnebagos, fifth wheels and all other recreational vehicles may soon have to find new homes other than on Canmore’s streets and driveways.
Banff moves on commercial inventory

Banff moves on commercial inventory

The Town of Banff is one step closer to moving ahead with its inventory of commercial floor space in the national park town’s six commercial districts.
DAB allows Realtor home occupation

DAB allows Realtor home occupation

Banff’s Development Appeal Board has overturned a decision to not allow real estate services as a home occupation.
MD tourism strategy in the works

MD tourism strategy in the works

The company hired to undertake the MD of Bighorn's tourism strategy hopes to hear from every MD ratepayer, organization or group as it works to develop a strategic plan to develop a sustainable community.
New land use proposed for the Lodges

New land use proposed for the Lodges

A second proposal has been put forward to remove restrictions on length of stay for an accommodation provider on Bow Valley Trail.
Environmental sculpture features standing stones

Environmental sculpture features standing stones

Standing stones can be found throughout the world; in the Arctic, Japan and Europe, with Stonehenge, located on Salisbury Plain in England, being the most notable example.
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