Moving obstetrics to Canmore is not a decision made quickly or easily. No one wants to lose services, but this has been on the books for years. Not having obstetrics does not make us any less a community. We have doctors, schools, baby time, community care, day care and an active seniors centre to name a few.
Does anyone wonder why the medical and nursing staff of Mineral Springs Hospital are not lobbying? It’s because they know it’s time for this move and they want what is best for you moms and your babies. You are no less a “Banffite” if you were born elsewhere.
Even though many dollars have been spent to educate staff, it is possible a nurse could go months without being involved in a delivery. How does a nurse keep up her skills? Labour and delivery involves a team approach where those nursing skills are essential. There is even a concern among the most experienced nurses. Deliveries can go wrong quickly and tragically.
If there is only one doctor in Banff doing obstetrics, what happens to you and your baby when this doctor is on days off or vacation? Your baby would have to be delivered elsewhere.
This Banff doctor has privileges to practice in Canmore so can follow through with your delivery. You and your baby will be returning to Banff for all the necessary follow-up care with your family doctor.
We, the old guard with many years of nursing experience, find change difficult, but change we must for the health and safety of our families and our community.
Winnie Ashley,
Anita Battrum,
Muriel Mooney,