As a long-time member of the Bow Valley Credit Union (BVCU), I was shocked and dismayed to read Jim Pissot’s letter to the editor in the Feb. 1 edition of the Outlook about how my money was used to support Tucker Carlson and his hateful campaign.
I joined BVCU decades ago because it was a local venture, with honest, friendly people who made me feel welcome.
I know funds deposited in BVCU are invested elsewhere, to create returns beneficial to the members. What kind of “investment” is it to donate money to an American millionaire celebrity who has been proven to consistently lie, spread misinformation and hatred toward women and minorities, and foment mindless antipathy and division in our society? What return is Brett Oland, BVCU’s CEO, expecting to reap?
I would like to suggest that Mr. Oland’s use of our money is a betrayal akin to outright theft. He should return the money, apologize, and resign his position immediately. Even if it turns out that his personal finances paid for this sponsorship, it makes me sick that a person in such a position of trust could gleefully claim Carlson's views are our own.
This hurts all the more because BVCU used to be a wonderful alternative to the major banks’ soulless corporate mentality. Apparently, no longer.
Ralph Temple,