I applaud Maggie Nelson for outlining some of the proposed amendments laid out in the federal budget and read it with interest. It was interesting to read Blake Edwards letters in both local papers as well and have some comments regarding his letters:
1. It seems that whenever the Conservatives are criticized they use the following tactics: Blame the previous Liberal government; claim it was because they had a minority; or, attack anyone with a different opinion. Haven’t they formed the government for over six years and aren’t verbal attacks no more than bullying? This bullying has increased greatly since securing a majority government. What kind of example does this set for future generations? In other words, they should be given an “F” in working/playing with others.
2. The government claims they are working to build a better economy… who is “economy” and why are they more important than the environment and regular Canadians?
3. They want a more prosperous future… what is their definition of prosperity? Is it corporations making record profits and a growing gap between rich, poor and the middle class? And why the rush… will there be anything left for future generations to develop? Are our natural resources going to disappear if left where they are until technology develops so they may be more efficiently and safely extracted?
4. Securing OAS for future generations as well as EI and CPP… why don’t they lead by example on retirement and reduce their own pensions? When a long-serving MP is not re-elected, let them get a job at a fast food establishment instead of collecting EI and/or a pension until they are 65!
5. I read that they had sub-committees on some of the portions of the budget… but there was no comment on whether any changes were made as a result of these reports.
Anyone politically minded will find many of my comments simplistic and they are in some ways. None of the issues facing our country are simple. That is why I have become increasing dissatisfied with this attitude of “your either with us or against us.” Sound familiar?
Since writing the above I saw a quote from Stephen Harper from 1994 when in opposition. He was righteously outraged when the government of the day attempted a similar omnibus bill.
Mary Cole