WHAT: Pursuant to Section 36(1) of the National Parks General Regulations, of the Canada National Parks Act, the following area is closed to all traffic and travel by order of the Superintendent:
WHERE: This closure extends just east of the Town of Banff, and includes the area around Tunnel Mountain and east of Tunnel Mountain to the Hoodoo Trailhead. Several official trails within the closure will REMAIN OPEN to public use. These include: Tunnel Mountain Summit Trail, Tunnel Mountain Road, Surprise Corner to Hoodoos and the trail parallel to Tunnel Mountain Road (indicated in green on the attached map). All trails not listed above are closed (e.g. Star Wars, Return of the Jedi, Top Notch). See attached map for details.
WHY: Tunnel Mountain and surrounding areas are important winter habitat for cougars, wolves and coyotes and winter range for ungulates. This closure is intended to increase public safety while providing secure habitat for carnivores using the area during the winter months. Giving wildlife the space they need to successfully find food contributes to healthy carnivore populations and reduces human-wildlife conflict potential.
When hiking on trails in Banff National Park be prepared to avoid an encounter with a cougar, wolf or other wildlife by taking these steps:
• Travel in groups and keep everyone together.
• Be especially cautious when travelling during dawn and dusk, when wildlife is most active.
• Travel slowly if you are cycling or jogging, remain alert and do not wear ear buds.
• Make noise to alert wildlife to your presence.
• Carry wildlife (bear) spray in an easily accessible location and know how to use it.
• Keep your dog on a leash at all times (it’s the law) and walk your dog during daylight hours if possible.
• Leave the area if you see or smell a dead animal.
• Never approach, entice or feed wildlife.
If You See a Cougar, Wolf or Coyote:
• Do not approach the animal.
• Face the animal, and retreat slowly – do NOT run or play dead.
• Try to appear bigger by holding your arms or an object above your head.
• Immediately pick up small children.
• Be aggressive. Shout, wave a stick or throw rocks to deter an attack.
Report any sightings immediately to Banff National Park Dispatch at 403-762-1470.
PENALTY: Violators may be charged under the Canada National Parks Act: maximum penalty $25 000.