LETTER: Why move the problem when you can remove the problem? It won’t solve the overcrowding but at least it won’t be a contributing factor.
Banff council has been told they have “the legal authority to implement a parking reservation system”, but they will not pursue that option at present, according to the Outlook article “Town of Banff parks reservation system for vehicles” in the Oct. 3 edition
Council recognizes that the Banff sign at the west entrance to town is a hazard, and someone is going to fall off, or be involved in a traffic accident. Many residents also agree that traffic levels in Banff during the summer are beyond what is acceptable. There is too much traffic.
Rather than move the Banff sign to a hillside near the train station where congestion would move along with it, simply retire the sign. Remove it but don’t move it. Even though the sign is not attractive, it has become an attraction, luring more cars to Banff.
Why move the problem when you can remove the problem? It won’t solve the overcrowding but at least it won’t be a contributing factor.
Rick Kunelius,