Finally, after about 20 years of unsuccessful lobbying for a special tourism designation similar to resort municipality status to make it's way into Alberta's Municipal Government Act (MGA), our MLA, Miranda Rosin, has made a significant breakthrough by authoring and sponsoring – and getting first reading – of Bill 208.
As fate would have it, a pending provincial election could stall – or kill – the process for formal inclusion within the MGA.
It cannot be overstated how critically important Bill 208 is to the future health of Canmore's tourism economy. As an aside, British Columbia has 14 municipalities with similar designation. They are way ahead of us as a result.
In the previous provincial election, Miranda was not supported very well by Canmore voters.
Our tourism industry, and the Town of Canmore needs Bill 208. This is not about politics. It is about a significant and impactful benefit to Canmore's sustainability to our tourism and travel economy in the years to come. Governing political parties come and go, but having Bill 208 enacted will supersede any and all partisan politics.
So, come election time, ponder this reality of our future economic growth before you mark X on your ballot.
Hugh Hancock,